As the year comes to a close, many of us are urgently seeking an increase in daily productivity.
With new goals, positive mindsets, and little time to accomplish everything we've planned throughout the year, getting our act together becomes a crucial part of ending 2019 on a strong note.
I'm not gonna lie... when thinking about everything I've planned and the recent shift I made in getting rid of ALL my plans- I've been tempted to coast for the rest of the year. However, something in me keeps fighting to ensure that I set myself up for success in the year to come.
In order to do this, I've surrounded myself with incredible people who are living their dreams and creating the lives they want. I was fortunate enough to meet these people randomly through intentional networking, events, extended relationships, and social media.
Through conversation, I was privileged to find out their secrets and I wanted to share 5 of their tips on creating the life you want.
1) Surround yourself with positive energy!
I cannot stress this enough! The way you wake up in the morning sets the atmosphere for the rest of your day. In fact, my mom has a saying that I've adopted. She says, "Unexpected Miracles and Sudden Surprises" and you literally go through your day knowing that something awesome going to happen. Believing that you have victory and everything you want will put out the energy and vibes that attract a high level of greatness.
Often times we believe for things in the future instead of simply believing that we are living in the moment with everything we want! This concept was introduced to me by one of my new friends and blew my mind because we put off our success by claiming it will manifest in the future as opposed to walking in that belief today.
2) Research the people you aspire to model your dream life after
For some reason, a lot of us try to accomplish goals like we are the first person in the world doing what we do. In reality, there are so many people that have already done what we aspire to do just in different capacities. Find out what these people did to get to where they are today. Who did they connect with? Where did they hang out? Who inspired them? Take steps to connect with their same mentors/circles and knock on those doors because the system is already guaranteed to work.
The guidelines are there for us to follow! It's just up to us to actually find and implement them in whatever is we're doing!
3) Project Management
This is needed to map out actionable steps required to bring your vision to fruition. Set realistic timelines for the things you have to do to meet your goals. Many of us make a widescale plan of what we want to do or what we want our lives to look like but we don't really come up with how to make those things happen.
A plan is great, but a plan without action is just a dream. At The Champagne Series, we're all about making dreams a reality. And in all honesty, it's okay if we have to scale our ideas or actions down. No one in this world is confining us to our timelines but ourselves. Once we free ourselves from this idea that we HAVE to be 35 and retired or have to have our businesses making 6 figures in 1 year we will find that our actionable items become more realistic and the process of making our dreams come true will be so much more enjoyable. Figure out the one thing that will drive your goals forward and always work on that first.
4) Surrender your plan
This is probably the hardest thing to do and yes it's counter to everything above but it makes sense.
We can be so fixed on our plans that they sometimes consume us and don't leave room for changes, purpose, and new directions. When we become SO one-track-minded we can miss out on many more opportunities that life can offer to us. Create room for shifts, new ideas, deterrents, and mistakes.
Once we free ourselves from the stress of the plan, we also become free to dream bigger than before.
When you set your actionable plans in motion, be sure you allot for time missed if things go awry- this will give you the cushion you need so you don't fall into depression when things don't happen the way you planned.
5) Do
Get like Nike and JUST DO IT! Cliche but that's really all we need to know.
No matter the fear, do it scared and watch how everything unfolds.
As we all prepare to enter the next stage of our lives, I hope these 5 tips will help you in creating the life you want today!